Monday, March 23, 2009

Tech used by OAv2

A LAMP stack. Personally, I use Ubuntu, Apache, PHP, MySQL but OAv2 should be quite portable as far as databases and webservers go.
CodeIgniter for a PHP framework.
JQuery for a javascript abstraction framework.
XML Charts for pretty graphs.
The Tango icon set.
NMAP for network scanning.
WINexe for running programs on Windows machines, from Linux.

Weekend Work - organising directories in OAv2

So, I'm using the CodeIgniter framework for OAv2. Best practice states you should move any sensitive files (think config.php) out of your web directories. So, a few hours and a few periods of WTF, and I have the application separated into two main sections.

Inside /var/www is index.php along with the JavaScript, css and images files. In another directory (outside the web) is the rest of the framework and application. It's working well. I think the directory structure I'll use will be along the lines of:


Oh - as for Windows installs.... well, they're secondary. I plan to be able to run everything from a Debian/Ubuntu install. There should be no need for a Windows machine. This includes auditing a Windows Domain. Having said that, I'll probably expend a limited amount of effort to get it working under Windows....

Hello World

Well, I figured I should get some things down "in print", and a blog is as good a place as any - hence "Hello World", and here we are.

I've never blogged before, so please excuse any foobar's, at least initially.

I plan for this blog to be (mainly) about the experience of re-writing Open-AudIT (OAv2). What I'm doing, reasons for decisions, updates and all that stuff. There will be a few note's on tech I am researching and how it could be used for OAv2.

For anyone that doesn't know, Open-AudIT ( is free software (GPL Licensed) for keeping track of the devices on your network and their configuration. OAv2 builds upon this notion with comprehensive alerting, multiple users, groups and tagging and a whole host of new features.

Needless to say - "Stay Tuned"...