Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Apologies for the lack of recent updates.
Unfortunately, not a great deal has happened lately.
Damn "real life" keeps getting in the way.
So, what HAVE I managed to do...

Well, I have a MSSQL Server compatible database script.
I am working on a bug in the Software audit processing routine.

For an Alpha, I'd like to get basic functionality complete. By basic functionality I mean:
* - Audit script runs on PCs and submits to database.
* - Users can be created and assigned rights to groups
* - Groups can be created/edited/deleted
* - Devices can be viewed with all submitted audit details
* - Devices can have their "manual" fields edited
* - "List" type pages (based on groups) complete
Most of these items are nearly complete (as in 90%). It is more a matter of "finishing them off".
Realistically, I think it would be (maybe) 30 hours work. Not sure there. Might be way off.

My main problem is having a "real" job and a young family (and a slight World of Warcraft addiction, forgive me).

I also have to go back through the models (in CodeIgniter) and check the functions work with MSSQL. I've had a few enquiries about MSSQL compatibility lately, and want to make sure it's all OK. I've also had people say they (think Govt Dept Managers), don't want to use OpenSource. Not PHP, Linux, Apache or MySQL. They would like it rewritten in DotNet and MSSQL. It's frustrating that people STILL have this attitude. I don't mind catering to database abstraction, but the actual code ??? Sure, I'll just re-write the complete application, because you have a completely misguided notion of what "secure" means... sigh. Apologies for the slight rant.

Anyway - what you all want to know (well, the two people who bother to read this) is "WHEN CAN WE HAVE THE CODE ?". All I can say is that's there's not that much left to do for an Alpha and I want it done as much as you do.