Friday, April 3, 2009

Debug with FirePHP

I am using FirePHP to write debug messages. It works with CodeIgniter quite well. There's a simple flag (TRUE / FALSE) in a config file to enable it.

When enabled, every SQL statement along with a returned record count (in the case of a SELECT) is dumped to the console. Nice. Easy to see where you go wrong in your SQL statements. IE - "well, that query should have returned 100 rows - why is it returning 10?". It also has the nice side effect of displaying when a given query runs more than once. I had some logic in code that was causeing one SQL statement to be run 4 or 5 times. Output to the web page was fine, though. Using the FirePHP debugger, I soon realised that "Hey, how come that statement appears several times ?".

One other gotcha is that if you don't have FirePHP installed, but run with debugging on - it borks badly. I have to confirm this, but worse case... It should be off in production, anyway.

EDIT - no, it doesn't bork. It's fine to run with debug = on and not have FirePHP installed. I must have been having a bad hair day !!!

EDIT #2 - In Xampp (Windows) you need to alter the php.ini. In an Ubuntu LAMP install, you don't.

Stay tuned.


  1. Hi Mark,

    IS firePHP an apache module that needs to be installed or simply a set of classes that needs to be included in your scripts?

  2. It's simply a class. Check out this page.
