Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Added some sparkle to the List pages today.
When you mouse over a system, you get selected details appearing.
Done via jQuery and ajax.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Quick OAv2 update

Just a quick one.

I now have columns on the list page, for any group, displaying selected fields associated with that group. You're probably now saying "what the?".

Let me explain.

On any given Group List page, you see a list of devices in that group. Previously, the columns that were displayed were static (set in the display code). The columns were System Name, Description, IP Address, OS Type, OS Name, Tags. If you wanted something with different columns, you would need to code the PHP display stuff in the View. Now, you can add and remove columns on a per group basis and it's stored in the database. Instant reporting !!! Sweet.

Think of this...

You create a dynamic group. That group includes any systems that have Apache installed. On the list page for that group you might also include the Apache version number (for instance).

This is available on a per group basis. You can define if a column has a link, and what to. If a column just displays text or is an image. This should aleviate a _lot_ of the requests we currently receive in Open-AudIT like "Can you make me a report page that shows blah...". Also, because they're defined in the app and the definitions are stored in the database, you can update the base OAv2 code and not loose your custom reports.

Now I just need to front end it... sigh.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nominate Open-AudIT in the Sourceforge Community Choise Awards

Anyone who likes what we're doing (or what we've done) with Open-AudIT could do us a favor. Go to the Open-AudIT homepage and click the shiny picture (or just click the one below). Don't forget to enter your email address and click the link in the email sent to you to confirm the vote.

Thanks in advance.