Monday, July 5, 2010

Linking alerts to changes

Finished the basics of linking generated alerts to changes.
What this means is that on the "list alerts" page, you can select multiple alerts and a form will appear so you can associate them to :
The "changes" table functionality in OAv2 (not complete),
An external system (via ID and/or URL),
A simple acknowledgement within the "alert" table in OAv2.

Very ITIL like. Very nice.

At the end of the day, you can audit machines, get a listing of alerts (which are changes to audited fields) and associate these with a Change System - either the basic one within OAv2 or an external one.

Next up is to start the Change System within OAv2. It's going to be simple (at least to start). Basically a recording of proposed changes - what, where, how, why, who, etc. Pretty simple from a coding perspective - CRUD mainly with a small amount of User credential checking. I don't plan on workflow style Changes (at least yet).

Once that is done, Alpha 4 will be inbound.