Thursday, February 4, 2010

OAv2 Alpha update

I have sent the Alpha to one of our Developers (Andy Hull).
Andy has sent some feedback, which we are working on.
I'll post the download link here, when I make a public upload (when I get home tonight).
** As promised - try this -

Things to bear in mind.

Now that I've scared you...
  • I would NOT recommend this for running in Production.

  • Sure, you might audit a production system, but I wouldn't rely on this as a replacement for Open-AudIT right now. Feature wise, it's still a way behind.
  • There is no install routine. You will need to know how to setup MySQL databases, et al. There IS a readme in the file detailing basic steps needed to do this. Please don't ask for help. If you cannot install this, then you shouldn't be playing with it !!! One of the things high on the todo list is an installer (both for Windows and Linux).
  • Linux auditing probably wont work. I have spent most of my time on the Windows side of things. Linux auditing is on the list - and indeed there is a basic script in the download. I haven't even opened it for months though, so I'm guessing it wont upload into OAv2 correctly.
  • SQL Server doesn't have a database creation script. Simply because the database schema still isn't finalised.
What does work ?
  • Manual running of the audit script and inserting it into the web form. Running the audit script against a remote system. Running the audit script and auto uploading (via Explorer).
  • Dynamic Groups. I haven't built the web forms for static groups yet.
  • OAv2 users and Group permissions.
  • Locations and assigning systems to them.
  • Editing manual values in web forms.
  • Creating / Editing / Deleting Users, Groups and Locations.

Check back here later for a download link (I'm such a tease :-) ).
** As promised - try this -


  1. You do great work! After trying to install your alpha, I found out that you are using an older version of CodeIgniter. While that is not a big deal it is not compatible with PHP 5.3+ which I use on my test systems (future proof and all that). Not that you have to be in big hurry due to the Alpha status but you may wish to upgrade to CodeIgniter 1.7.2 because that will fix the PHP 5.3 issues.

  2. Mark,

    I have to say I am very impressed. I love how you applied a framework to PHP to make things less cumbersome. I love the fact that you are using jquery. How can I contribute? I really like the work that you do and I think I share the same passion as you judging by the work you have done on OAV1 and now the little I have seen in OAV2. I have been using OAV1 for almost a year now and I have learned so much from the work you put in it.

  3. Hello,

    well the database.php trys to connect to a database called OAv2 while the readme says "mysql -u root -p oa < OAv2.sql". The readme should be adjusted or the database.php. :)

    The windows-audit-script was working without any crash (on my xp-machine). All other supplied installation instructions were fine and it is running now. The webinterface seems to have some login issues, as i have to relogin frequently when i use the upper menu (i.e. i click "home" after viewing a machine).

    Regards Falko

    PS: Thank you for your work on OA and OAv2

  4. Mark,

    One thing I have noticed is that there are multiple places for keeping track of this project. There is and then this blog. It seems as if the forums get more hits than the blog. It gets confusing as to where the best place to put suggestions is.

    Anyhow, I have downloaded your and got everything up and running (mostly with the help of the forum). I audited a few windows machines and I noticed that /main/list_alerts/0 has details about changes that have recently occurred. My suggestion would be to group changes per device and give the person the option to drill down. Another thing I would like to see is, I want to see any software that got installed or uninstalled and let me see a count of devices that this change vs a count of devices that didn't get changed.
