Monday, January 25, 2010

OAv2 Alpha is inbound

Well, I have today (Mon) and Wed off from work.
Am coding my butt off to get OAv2 into an Alpha state.
Have spent a couple of hours on it this morning, and I think be Wed night (at the latest), I will look to push the code to SVN.
Looking "good enough" at this stage.

As per my last post, the status on various items are...

* - Audit script runs on PCs and submits to database. DONE.
* - Users can be created and assigned rights to groups. DONE.
* - Groups can be created/edited/deleted. DONE.
* - Devices can be viewed with all submitted audit details. DONE.
* - Devices can have their "manual" fields edited. DONE.
* - "List" type pages (based on groups) complete DONE.

It's more about cleanup and release readiness than anything else now.


  1. Nice work, been using OAv1 for quite some time. v2 looks very interesting!

  2. I am very excited to try OAv2. My anticipation has been building since your first teaser screnshots. I can't tell you how valuable I find OA. I'll be anxiously watching the SVN.
